
Showing posts from July, 2020


                             About 2000 species of snakes found in the world and out of this, 272 species are found in India. The range of these snakes is from the 10cm long worm snake to more than 6 meter long pythons and king cobras. About 10% of world’s snake species are found in India and 80% of them are non-poisonous. India has only about 58 species of venomous snakes and 4 species of snakes that are dangerous to man. They are Cobras, Krait, Russell’s viper and Saw-scaled viper.     1.      King Cobra Scientific name:     Ophiophagus hannah                   King cobra is the third largest snake in India. King cobra is one of the most courageous, poisonous and aggressive snake. The body is blackish brown with lighter bands running throughout its e...

Adaptive features of Reptiles that helped them to be the first true terrestrial animals

Reptiles are a group a cold blooded, creeping animals, successfully adapted for land life. Though amphibious are considered as first land animals, reptiles are first successful animals independent of water. They do not fear of dehydration. Their success is mainly because, they lay eggs on land. They are the first member of the amniotes originated on the earth.                 Reptiles originated about 255 million years ago in the carboniferous period of paleozoic era. Reptiles evolved from Anthracosaurs of Labyrinthodonts amphibious.                 During the origin of reptiles from amphibious the following evolutionary changes has occurred that helped them to be the first true terrestrial animals on this earth. 1.        Land life : Reptiles become com...