A sex-determination system is a way that an organism's body decides if it will be a boy or a girl. Most animals and plants have only two sexes: male or female. But in some animals, like snails, they can be both at the same time. Sometimes, a female can have babies without a male, and in some animals, the temperature around them can decide if they will be a boy or a girl. The way an animal becomes a boy or a girl can be because of its genes, which are like instructions in its body. There is usually one main gene that decides if an animal will be a boy or a girl, and then other genes help make the animal's body look like a boy or a girl. Some animals, like fish, can change from being a boy to a girl or a girl to a boy during their life. This can happen because of the seasons or the temperature around them. People used to think that there was only one way for animals to become a boy or a girl, but now we know that there are many different ways. Some animals are born with both boy ...