A sex-determination system is a way that an organism's body decides if it will be a boy or a girl. Most animals and plants have only two sexes: male or female. But in some animals, like snails, they can be both at the same time. Sometimes, a female can have babies without a male, and in some animals, the temperature around them can decide if they will be a boy or a girl.
The way an animal becomes a boy or a girl can be because of its genes, which are like instructions in its body. There is usually one main gene that decides if an animal will be a boy or a girl, and then other genes help make the animal's body look like a boy or a girl.
Some animals, like fish, can change from being a boy to a girl or a girl to a boy during their life. This can happen because of the seasons or the temperature around them.
People used to think that there was only one way for animals to become a boy or a girl, but now we know that there are many different ways. Some animals are born with both boy and girl parts, and some can even have babies without a dad.
Even though there are many different ways that animals can become boys or girls, most people only learn about one way in their science class. This is because people think that there is only one "normal" way to be a boy or a girl. But this isn't true! There are lots of different ways to be a boy or a girl, and that's what makes the world interesting.
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